Andy Goldsworthy Inspired Stick Art with Miranda Kyle and Wilderness Works

When we met the folks behind Wilderness Works, we knew we'd met family. Wilderness Works' mission is to empower and enrich children living in urban Atlanta with year-round experiential education, recreation and outdoor adventure. We visited Wilderness Work's Memorial Drive Campus on March 11th with artist Miranda Kyle.

We spent a few weeks before gathering up sticks. Julie's own backyard ended up being the perfect spot to collect enough sticks for the Wilderness Works group!

The night started off with Miranda giving a quick talk and answering a short Q & A.  Miranda explained to the students how they could find and create art from materials found in sticks!  With creativity a stick can be transformed into a beautiful sculpture.  She showed the students some of Andy Goldsworthy's nature inspired artwork.  From there we dove right into the project. It was awesome creative madness! 

Their work using found pieces was really special. after putting together the stick sculptures, many of the students went on to paint and further alter their pieces. We are so thankful for the volunteers we had on site that night!

We later learned that while on a hike, the students of Wilderness Works were collecting sticks to make more sculptures.  We love that this project made a lasting impression!