Projects Inspired by Artists with Disabilities to Explore Senses and the Body

Projects Inspired by Artists with Disabilities to Explore Senses and the Body


At Paint Love, we are advocates of inclusion and diversity in the arts. This project guide is a step toward exposing young people to artists of different abilities and backgrounds. For those with disabilities, there is power in seeing someone similar to yourself make art. This challenges a potentially narrow-minded narrative of who can be an artist. Artists with disabilities create using their bodies and senses in remarkable ways. These projects respectfully explore the work of fourteen talented artists— which are just a snapshot of the many amazing people using their differently-abled bodies to create. Each lesson includes a moment of regulation to help young artists connect with their own body before beginning a project. These moments are also meant to focus in on their bodies in ways similar to how the artist creates. Each lesson includes videos for additional information about the artist. 

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