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We believe that

Art Impacts Everything

Paint Love believes art empowers young people and strengthens communities. Our programs help schools and organizations bring more art to more kids.




Paint Love is a nonprofit organization bringing extraordinary arts programming to youth facing poverty and trauma.  


How We

Do It

We partner with schools and nonprofit organizations to empower youth through creative projects that are artist-led and shaped by trauma-informed standards.


Beyond Crayons

It’s not just art.


We envision a world where all young people have access to creative experiences that empower them to imagine a future not limited by adverse experience.

We are experts. Our diverse team of experts stretches across disciplines. We are professional artists and creators, social workers and clinicians, teachers and trauma-informed specialists. This enables us to ensure each project offers high quality arts instruction and is demographically appropriate to create the most extraordinary experience possible.


We Need

Your Help

We cannot do this without our community. From in-kind donations and volunteer time, to art supplies and financial gifts — every bit of support makes the difference in helping Paint Love continue to provide extraordinary arts programming.